In April 2020, eight international cultural networks published a Statement on Culture in relation to COVID-19, #culture2030goal on the need to ensure that culture is at the center of the United Nations Decade of Action for the Goals of Sustainable Development, emphasizing that: With the world facing the COVID-19 pandemic today and the need to rebuild our societies tomorrow, culture must be at the heart of the response. Culture brings inspiration, comfort and hope to people’s lives.
The long hours of confinement opened the possibility of coexistence between culture and entertainment, through digital platforms which became the usual choice for millions of people. Can we imagine the reaction capacity of artists and cultural creators in times of crisis such as the one caused by the COVID19 pandemic that paralyzed the activities and advances that had been taking place until then?
Undoubtedly, the pandemic has unleashed and accelerated different processes that in the coming years will influence the configuration of the system of cultural production and ways of thinking and doing cultural management. Therefore, it is relevant to know what were the impacts generated by the pandemic and the post-pandemic in the cultural field; What are the learnings that cultural agents have been able to recover from this experience and from there, what future prospects are glimpsed in the coming years.
With this background and within the framework of its 90th anniversary, the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, through the Office of the Secretaría de Extensión and Cultura, in coordination with the Red Universitaria de Gestión Cultural México, the Centro de Investigación, Innovación y Desarrollo de las Artes and the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UANL summon to the 6th RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM ON CULTURAL MANAGEMENT
Cultural management and pandemic: impacts, lessons learned and future prospects to be held on October 4, 5 and 6, 2023 in the city of Monterrey at the facilities of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, with the general objective of opening a space for socialization, advances and research results on the impact, learning and future perspectives of cultural management from the pandemic by COVID19, through the following axes and guiding questions:
1. Cultural practices
What changes can be observed in cultural practices since the pandemic? How is the cultural sector reconfigured? What strategies the cultural agents implemented? What new artistic practices have been generated? What is the impact of the pandemic in the processes of production, distribution, cultural exchange and consumption? What problems and needs do you observe with the return of in person cultural activities?
2. Technological appropriation
How has technological appropriation occurred in the processes of Cultural Management? How has the process of learning to use of technologies in cultural work? How does the digital transformation change the vision and practice of cultural agents? What new technological developments have emerged or are in sight for the production, distribution, exchange and cultural consumption? How do the cultural products and services reconfigure? What new contents, methodologies and criteria were considered and are required in the training of cultural managers in the face of the experience of lockdown?
3. Cultural policies
What actions did the governments take to serve the cultural sector during and after the pandemic? What is the impact and scope of these actions? How can cultural management provide solutions to the problems generated from the pandemic? What conceptuals, methodologicals, operationals and regulatories aspects must be consider cultural policies to address the challenges of the culture sector today?
4. Conditions of cultural agents
What problems did the cultural agents face during and after the pandemic? How did the pandemic impact the working conditions, health and well-being in general of the cultural agents? What new problems and needs do they have cultural agents? What changes are observed in the vision and work of the agents cultural from the pandemic? What was the role of the agents cultural in confinement? What practices and discourses of resistance and demand developed out of the pandemic?
5. Interdisciplinarity and intersectorality
What experiences of institutional and intersectoral collaboration have you observe from the pandemic? What challenges does the cultural management for the generation of intersectoral actions address the current problems of the cultural sector? What conceptuals and methodologicals approaches are required for the analysis of the impact of the pandemic on the cultural sector? What interdisciplinary experiences at the culture sector arose from the pandemic? What practices and discourses of resistance and demand developed out of the pandemic?
1.The following may participate as assistants or speakers: researchers, teachers, students, thesis students, cultural managers, networks, organizations, entrepreneurs and cultural entrepreneurs interested in the subject, nationals and foreigners, who register according to the times indicated in this Announcement.
2. Those interested in participating as attendees must register using the form available on the Colloquium website (available soon) and make the corresponding payment in accordance with the amounts and forms stipulated in this call until September 30.
3. People interested in participating with a presentation, They must present an unpublished academic work that is addressed to at least one of the thematic axes mentioned above.
These works can be of two types: a) Results of scientific and humanistic research projects (preliminary or final) and b) An argumentative essay. The structure and form of presentation of the information is free, considering the following elements:
A. Define between three and five keywords.
B. Exposure of the problematization – contextualization from which it starts by articulating empirical data and conceptual elements
C. Presentation of the process of the methodology, strategy, tool, focus or approach.
D. Presentation of the arguments and/or results of data collection and interpretation
E. Conclusion where the most important discoveries are briefly exposed, explaining the relevance of this information in relation to the guiding questions of the thematic axes of this Announcement.
4. The application of works will be given from the presentation of a summary whose length must be between 500 and 700 words. Interested persons must send their proposals from the publication of this call and until April 30, 2023 at the following electronic address: The record must include: a) Name of the speaker; b) Institutional affiliation; c) Email address and telephone number; d) Title of the paper, e) Participation modality (face-to-face or virtual).
5. The opinion of accepted papers will be published on May 22 and the applicants will be informed via email.
6. Complete papers must be sent to the email address mentioned above, in Word format, Arial 12 font, justified text and 1.5 spacing, title in 14-point bold. The titles of the sections loaded to the left margin in 12-point bold, applying the APA 6 citation style. The paper will have an extension between 4,000 and 5,000 words and must include references at the end of the document. The author’s name, institution of origin, email address and brief curricular review will be attached to the text of the paper and sent by August 15, being essential to comply with this condition in order to be incorporated into the general program of the Colloquium.
7. The papers will be presented at work tables according to their coincidence, under the guidance of a moderator and their presentation will be from 15 to 20 minutes maximum and according to the dynamics indicated by the moderators of the tables, they can be discussed and given feedback by the participants.
8. The Academic Committee will make a selection of the papers presented to be considered in an academic publication that will be carried out after the Colloquium. Therefore, the authors agree to make changes in form and substance that are requested at the times indicated.
1. The papers proposed for the Colloquium must be unpublished works, so texts that have been previously disclosed, either in other events or in printed or electronic publications, will not be accepted.
2. The authorship may be individual or collective; if the latter were the case, no more than three authors may participate. The organizing committee of the Colloquium will communicate only with the author who registers the presentation.
3. The review of the texts and their ruling will be carried out by evaluation groups defined by the Academic Committee using the blind peer review strategy.
4. The papers accepted and that at least one of their authors confirms their participation in the event, will be included in the Colloquium program.
5. The issuance of certificates of participation will be made according to the data provided in the registration form. Attendance certificate will be delivered only to people who have registered and credited their payment in a timely manner. Additionally, the certificate of speaker will be provided only to those who appear at the sessions of the table to which their presentation will be attached.
6. Space is limited for both speakers and attendees, so the order in which registration is made and payment of the recovery fee will be considered to ensure your participation.
7. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to solve any situation that is not provided for in this call by email:
DATE: February 1 – September 30
SPEAKERS Free of charge
The participation fee must be made directly at the window or by bank transfer in the payment module attached to the event website.
Within the framework of the Colloquium, cultural creators who want to promote their products, integrating a Cultural Regional Fair , having to register in the specific registry indicated by the site Colloquium website or by sending a direct request to the event
1 FEB – 31 JUL $ 500 Mx
1 AGO – 30 SEP $ 700 Mx